Sunday, July 29, 2012


Insanity!... the new workout fad. I've never been a big 'workout' person. I was never really athletic. I did however grow up working on a farm. So most of my strength came from productivity. If there wasn't anything to, I wasn't going to do anything. I've never considered myself 'fat', out of shape, yes. Motivation is hard for me come by. I could sit on the couch and tell myself over and over, "Just get your a** up and do some crunches or something!" Yet, there I sat. Typically, in the summer I lose a few pounds just from getting out and being more active. Not this summer, instead the pounds have packed on. Finally, I said enough. My bestie and I started talking about Insanity! and we decided to start together. So, I jumped on another bandwagon. I'm not looking to be skinny, I like my booty and curves, they just need to be little firmer. I want to rid the muffin top and legs that stick out past the shorts! You can't get much better motivation than your husband, bestie and her husband doing it together. It's someone to look to for encouragement and tell you that you CAN do it! 
If you are out there reading this, I want to encourage you to get out there and get moving. It doesn't have to be aggressive workouts like Insanity!, you can do yoga, pilates, zumba... It's not just about being 'in shape' and fit, it's about being healthy. Being a better you for your future. It's being fit on the inside, how you look on the outside is just an added bonus. Find what works for you and don't give up!